Pittsfield township city tax
Pittsfield township city tax

pittsfield township city tax

City officials severa! months ago exI pressed reservations about the permaI nent location of AATA outside the city. He emphasized I that costs exceeding federal and state grants would have to be borne locally. Drake'also stressed that escalating construction costs could ínflate the cost of providing an alí-new facility far beyond the cost of a comparable site at 3700 Carpenter Road. corporated.) AATA attornef"3érold'.Lax 'said last nighthe would recommend a court challenge fo any attempt to tax the authority, should the tax-exemption not materialize. (State Iaw now rendérs AATA exempt only in Ann Arbor, the city in which it was. ther similar aütorities, tax-gxempt status outsidè thfjii '.'honië" cities. ExpandinL the cur■ rent site, he argued, would be the cheapest way. AATA chairman-William D, Drake, a I voeál supporter of the.purchasë, stressed its ultimare"' "cbst-eÖectiveness" in maximizing tax dollars. Another objection wax that MTA awnership of the site coúíd make AATA subject to I í real. An appraiser hired by AATA in May put the market value of the land anoVpuildings at $450,000. No other sites were seriously considered for purchase, I although board members had debated for months abóut whether to attempt to lócate within the pity lhnits.i? One objection to the pjtóchase was the $600,000 price. Stein absent, ended months of I deliberation by the board. The AATA action, with board memI bers Robert L:Bring Üissènting and Ed[ ward R. ImI provements and additions 'tó the site could cost an-estïmated $940,000 to $1.3 'miliiori and af é Bxpectëd tote financed through a $1.3 million federal grant awarded in February and $242,000 of the [ funds':CQmmittedMn mid-1974. of Wixom sinceMarch-, The pufchase 'pr'ice is $600,000. The aüthorïty, to no one's surprise, voted 5-1 iast night to exercise a purchase 'option - for -? 10 acres ■ and two, buildings which it-has lèased f rom Hollöway ConstructtoiTOo. It's official- Ann Arbor Transportation uthority's permanent address will be 3700 Carpenter Road, -Pittsfield Township.

Pittsfield township city tax